Funding Your Bank Account

To fund account using your external bank/payroll

Step 1.To fund your bank account, swype up or the tap ‘Bank account’ tab and tap ‘Account Details’

Step 2. To fund your bank account, swype up or the tap ‘Bank account’ tab and tap ‘Account Details’

Step 3. Copy/paste Routing and Account Number into your external bank, payroll, brokerage account, etc. to fund your Swype bank account.

To fund account by liquidating your crypto holdings

Step 1. Tap the '-' tab on main page to 'cash out'

This will open up a keypad that allows you to select a token to liquidate and an amount in dollars to receive.

For example, if you wanted to liquidate $2352 of Ether to fund your bank account, the screen would look like this

Step 2. Press and hold 'Hold to fund' to trigger the funding event and fund your bank account whilst liquidating the crypto asset in the process.

Note: In 99.99% of cases, you will receive the exact amount of dollars in your bank account as you enter when funding your account. However, due to price slippage, there can be issues ensuring that the amount received is completely accurate.

Gas fees

You may notice that, when transacting on certain chains, fees might be abnormally high. We want to clarify that Swype does not charge you these fees.

These are the standard on-chain fees that are calculated when attempting to make a transaction. Some chains are economical, like Polygon and Arbitrum, but others can be very expensive to transact on, like Ethereum and Bitcoin.

Here are some tips to save on gas fees:

  • The very first time you attempt to fund your account with a new coin, the fee may be higher than usual. This is because of an approval transaction on certain EVM chains. You can read more about approval transactions here

  • Use Polygon and other cheap sidechains instead of Ethereum.

  • Bridge assets to Polygon and spend assets on Polygon instead of the parent chain.

  • Fund your account in large batches as opposed to smaller amounts to be economical. Ethereum network fees cost $10 for a transaction worth $1, the same as for a transaction worth $1,000,000. The transaction size does not matter.

Last updated