Wallet Creation

How to create a new Swype wallet

Creating a new wallet

To create a wallet, select a chain in the horizontal chain picker and tap 'Connect Wallet'

Swype by default creates a wallet for you that is condensed into twelve seed words, known as your seed phrase.

We highly recommend that you write down these words and store them in a safe place as this seed phrase is how you will access your wallet. Anyone who knows your seed phrase can access funds within your Swype wallet, so the seed phrase should be controlled by you and only you.

For Child/Parent chains like Polygon <-> Ethereum, Swype uses the same seed key for both wallets. This ensures that the addresses are the same on both chains and that bridging assets between the two chains is seamless and cost efficient.

You can also take your seed keys and import them into MetaMask (EVM) or Electrum (Bitcoin) to access your wallet outside of Swype.

After you have created a wallet, you will see a screen like the one below, indicating that your wallet is empty and ready to be used.

Select the correct chain on the horizontal picker and tap 'Copy Address' to send crypto to your wallet address.

Importing a wallet

To import a wallet, tap 'Connect Wallet.' This will bring you to the screen as shown bellow. From here, select 'Import Existing Wallet.'

At this point, you will need to enter your twelve seed words. Swype currently only accepts BIP39 seed keys in a twelve word format (128 bit); 256 bit keys (twenty four words) are invalid mnemonics to the Swype import wallet function.

For Child/Parent chains like Polygon <-> Ethereum, Swype uses the same mnemonic to import wallets on either chain. Thus, entering a mnemonic to import a polygon wallet would create a wallet on Ethereum with the same mnemonic and vice versa.

Last updated